Spatio Temporal Continuity Vs Psychological Continuity

Author Title Medium Source Read? Atkins (Kim) Personal Identity and the Importance of One's Own Body: A Response to Derek Parfit Paper - By Subtopic Medium Quality Abstract International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Volume 8, Number 3, 1 October 2000, pp. 329-349(21). 6% Ayer (A.J.) Body and Mind Paper - By Subtopic Ayer - The Central Questions of Philosophy, 1973 No Ayer (A.J.) The Central Questions of Philosophy Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) Medium Quality Abstract Ayer (A.J.) - The Central Questions of Philosophy No Beck (Simon) Back To The Self And The Future Paper - Cited Medium Quality Abstract South African Journal of Philosophy, Aug98, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p211, 15p; Yes Benson (Ophelia) This Isn't My Body Paper - By Subtopic High Quality Abstract From "Think" Website / The Philosopher's Magazine, 2005. Yes Bermudez (Jose Luis), Marcel (Anthony) & Eilan (Naomi), Eds. The Body and the Self Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) Medium Quality Abstract Bermudez (Jose Luis), Marcel (Anthony) & Eilan (Naomi), Eds. - The Body and the Self 4% Buckareff (Andrei A.) & Van Wagenen (Joel S.) Surviving Resurrection Paper - By Subtopic Low Quality Abstract International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Vol. 67, No. 3 (June 2010), pp. 123-139 7% Burke (Michael) Benardete's Paradox Paper - Cited Low Quality Abstract Sorites 11, December 1999: 82-85 No Carter (William) Our Bodies, Our Selves Paper - By Subtopic Medium Quality Abstract Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 66 No. 3,1988, 308-319 Yes Carter (William) 'Partist' Resistance to the Many: Review of 'A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person' by Hud Hudson Paper - By Subtopic Medium Quality Abstract Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 68, No. 3, May 2004, pp. 713-723 Yes Cassam (Quassim) Introspection and Bodily Self-Ascription Paper - By Subtopic Bermudez, Marcel & Eilan - The Body and the Self No Chisholm (Roderick) Boundaries Paper - By Subtopic Medium Quality Abstract Chisholm - On Metaphysics, 1989, Chapter 8 33% Chisholm (Roderick) Boundaries as Dependent Particulars Paper - By Subtopic Grazer - Philosophische Studien, Vol. 20, 1983 No Chisholm (Roderick) On Metaphysics Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) Medium Quality Abstract Chisholm (Roderick) - On Metaphysics 10% Chisholm (Roderick) Self-Profile (G. Bodies & H. Persons) Paper - By Subtopic Bogdan, "Roderick M. Chisholm", Chapter 1 "Self-Profile" by R. Chisholm, Sections G & H No Coburn (Robert) Bodily Continuity and Personal Identity Paper - By Subtopic Low Quality Abstract Analysis 20.5, 1960, pp.117-120 No Cooper (David E.) Memories, Bodies and Persons Paper - By Subtopic Philosophy - 49, 1974, 255-263 No Daniels (Charles) Personal Identity Paper - By Subtopic Medium Quality Abstract American Philosophical Quarterly, 6.3, 1969, pp. 226-232 No Dennett (Daniel) Brainstorms - Philosophical Essays on Mind and Psychology Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) Low Quality Abstract Dennett (Daniel) - Brainstorms - Philosophical Essays on Mind and Psychology 43% Dennett (Daniel) Reflections on Dennett's 'Where Am I?' Paper - By Subtopic Low Quality Abstract Hofstadter & Dennett - The Mind's I - Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul No Dennett (Daniel) Where Am I? Paper - By Subtopic High Quality Abstract Dennett - Brainstorms - Philosophical Essays on Mind and Psychology, Chapter 17, 1978 Yes Edwards (Paul) Reincarnation: A Critical Examination Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) Medium Quality Abstract Bibliographical details to be supplied Yes Edwards (Paul) Reincarnation: A Critical Examination - Introduction Paper - Cited High Quality Abstract Edwards - Reincarnation: A Critical Examination, 2002, Introduction Yes Erber (Joan T.) & Szuchman (Lenore T.) Great Myths of Aging Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) Low Quality Abstract Bibliographical details to be supplied 17% Erber (Joan T.) & Szuchman (Lenore T.) Great Myths of Aging: The Body Paper - Cited Low Quality Abstract Erber (Joan T.) & Szuchman (Lenore T.) - Great Myths of Aging, Chapter 1 Yes Erlandson (Douglas) Body Transfer and Disembodiment Paper - By Subtopic Philosophical Studies 1980, 37: 13-19 No Fricker (Miranda) & Hornsby (Jennifer), Eds. The Cambridge Companion to Feminism in Philosophy Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) Medium Quality Abstract Fricker (Miranda) & Hornsby (Jennifer), Eds. - The Cambridge Companion to Feminism in Philosophy 2% Funkhouser (Eric) Metaphysics, Spring 2014 Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) Medium Quality Abstract Bibliographical details to be supplied 94% Funkhouser (Eric) Notes on Williams, 'The Self and the Future' Paper - Cited Low Quality Abstract Funkhouser (Eric) - Metaphysics, Spring 2014 Yes Gale (Richard) A Note on Personal Identity and Bodily Continuity Paper - By Subtopic Analysis 29, 1969, pp. 193-195 No Gert (Bernard) Personal Identity and the Body Paper - By Subtopic Low Quality Abstract Dialogue 10, 1971, 458-478 No Glover (Jonathan) Am I My Body? Paper - By Subtopic Low Quality Abstract Glover - I: Philosophy and Psychology of Personal Identity, Chapter 8 No Glover (Jonathan) I: Philosophy and Psychology of Personal Identity Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) Medium Quality Abstract Glover (Jonathan) - I: Philosophy and Psychology of Personal Identity 6% Hales (Steven D.), Ed. Metaphysics: Contemporary Readings Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) Medium Quality Abstract Hales (Steven D.), Ed. - Metaphysics: Contemporary Readings 6% Harrison (Jonathan) The Embodiment of Mind or What Use Is Having a Body? Paper - By Subtopic Low Quality Abstract Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, New Series, Vol. 74 (1973 - 1974), pp. 35-55 No Hazelton (W. Dean) Strawson and Persons and their Bodies Paper - By Subtopic Philosophical Studies 1976, 30: 137-142 No Hoffman (Joshua) & Rosenkrantz (Gary) Souls and Bodies Paper - By Subtopic Hoffman & Rosenkrantz - Substance among other categories: Chapter 5, 1994 No Hofstadter (Douglas) & Dennett (Daniel), Eds. The Mind's I - Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) Medium Quality Abstract Hofstadter (Douglas) & Dennett (Daniel), Eds. - The Mind's I - Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul 14% James (Susan) Feminism in Philosophy of Mind: The Question of Personal Identity Paper - By Subtopic Medium Quality Abstract Fricker & Hornsby - The Cambridge Companion to Feminism in Philosophy, 2000 Yes Long (Douglas) The Bodies of Persons Paper - By Subtopic Medium Quality Abstract Journal of Philosophy 71, No. 10 (May 30, 1974), 291-301 Yes Loose (Jonathan) Constitution and the Falling Elevator Paper - By Subtopic Low Quality Abstract Philosophia Christi Vol. 14, No. 2 ©2012 Yes Lowe (E.J.) Kinds of Being: Study of Individuation, Identity and the Logic of Sortal Terms Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) Medium Quality Abstract Lowe (E.J.) - Kinds of Being: Study of Individuation, Identity and the Logic of Sortal Terms No Lowe (E.J.) Persons and Their Bodies Paper - By Subtopic Low Quality Abstract Lowe - Kinds of Being, 1989, Chapter 7 No MacBride (Fraser), Ed. Identity and Modality Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) Medium Quality Abstract MacBride (Fraser), Ed. - Identity and Modality 5% Madell (Geoffrey) Materialism and the First Person Paper - By Subtopic Medium Quality Abstract O'Hear - Minds and Persons, 2003 No Madell (Geoffrey) Personal Identity and the Mind-Body Problem Paper - By Subtopic Smythies & Beloff, The Case for dualism, 1989, Chapter 2 No Mavrodes (George I.) The Life Everlasting and the Bodily Criterion of Identity Paper - By Subtopic Nous 11.1, March 1977, pp. 27-39 No Michaud (Derek) Review of 'Personal Identity and Resurrection: How do we Survive our Death?' Edited by Georg Gasser Paper - By Subtopic Low Quality Abstract The Heythrop Journal Volume 54, Issue 2, March 2013 Pages 330–331 17% Noonan (Harold) Personal Identity Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) Low Quality Abstract Bibliographical details to be supplied Yes Noonan (Harold) The Self and the Future Paper - Cited Low Quality Abstract Noonan - Personal Identity, 2003, Chapter 10 Yes Odegard (Douglas) Personal and Bodily Identity Paper - Cited Medium Quality Abstract Philosophical Quarterly, 1969, 69-71 Yes O'Hear (Anthony) Minds and Persons Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) O'Hear (Anthony) - Minds and Persons No O'Hear (Anthony), Ed. Philosophy - 82/319 (January 2007) Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) O'Hear (Anthony), Ed. - Philosophy - 82/319 (January 2007) No Olson (Eric) Is there a Bodily Criterion of Personal Identity Paper - By Subtopic High Quality Abstract MacBride - Identity and Modality, 2006, Chapter 11 No Penelhum (Terence) 'Bodily Transfer' Paper - By Subtopic Penelhum - Survival and Disembodied Existence, 1970, Chapter 7 No Penelhum (Terence) Survival and Disembodied Existence Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) Medium Quality Abstract Penelhum (Terence) - Survival and Disembodied Existence No Perry (John) Identity, Personal Identity and the Self Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) Low Quality Abstract Perry (John) - Identity, Personal Identity and the Self 3% Perry (John) Williams on The Self and the Future Paper - By Subtopic Low Quality Abstract Perry - Identity, Personal Identity and the Self, 2002, Chapter 6 No Plantinga (Alvin) Against Materialism Paper - By Subtopic Low Quality Abstract University of Notre Dame website; Faith and Philosophy, 23:1 (January 2006), 3-32. 3% Pollock (John L.) How to Build a Person: A Prolegomenon Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) Medium Quality Abstract Pollock (John L.) - How to Build a Person: A Prolegomenon 4% Pollock (John L.) Persons and Bodies Paper - By Subtopic Low Quality Abstract Pollock - How to Build a Person, Chapter 2 No Robinson (Howard) A Dualist Account of Embodiment Paper - By Subtopic Smythies & Beloff, The Case for dualism, 1989. Chapter 3 No Rorty (Amélie Oksenberg), Ed. The Identities of Persons Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) Low Quality Abstract Rorty (Amélie Oksenberg), Ed. - The Identities of Persons 23% Shaffer (Jerome) Persons and Their Bodies Paper - By Subtopic Medium Quality Abstract Philosophical Review 75, No. 1 (Jan., 1966), 59-77 Yes Shoemaker (Sydney) Embodiment and Behavior Paper - By Subtopic Low Quality Abstract Rorty (Amelie) - The Identities of Persons, 1976 Yes Shoemaker (Sydney) Personal Identity: a Materialist Account Paper - By Subtopic Medium Quality Abstract Shoemaker & Swinburne - Personal Identity, 1984, pp. 67-132 22% Shoemaker (Sydney) Reply to Swinburne Paper - By Subtopic Shoemaker & Swinburne - Personal Identity, 1984, pp. 139-152 No Shoemaker (Sydney) & Swinburne (Richard) Personal Identity Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) Medium Quality Abstract Shoemaker (Sydney) & Swinburne (Richard) - Personal Identity 11% Shorter (J.M.) More About Bodily Continuity and Personal Identity Paper - By Subtopic Analysis 22, 1962, pp. 79-85 No Smart (Brian) How can Persons be Ascribed M-Predicates? Paper - By Subtopic Medium Quality Abstract Mind, 1977, 49-66 Yes Smith (Joel) Review of 'How the Body Shapes the Mind' By Shaun Gallagher Paper - By Subtopic Medium Quality Abstract O'Hear - Philosophy - 82/319 (January 2007) No Smythe (Thomas W.) The Identity of Persons and Bodies Paper - By Subtopic Southern Journal of Philosophy, 1981, 85-94 No Steinhart (Eric) The Revision Theory of Resurrection Paper - By Subtopic Low Quality Abstract Religious Studies, Vol. 44, No. 1 (Mar., 2008), pp. 63-81 6% Strickland (Lloyd) The doctrine of 'the resurrection of the same body' in early modern thought Paper - By Subtopic Low Quality Abstract Religious Studies, Vol. 46, No. 2 (june 2010), pp. 163-183 6% Taylor (Richard) Metaphysics Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) Low Quality Abstract Taylor (Richard) - Metaphysics 5% Taylor (Richard) Persons and Bodies Paper - By Subtopic American Philosophical Quarterly, 16(1), January 1979, 67-72 No Taylor (Richard) Persons and Bodies Paper - By Subtopic Low Quality Abstract Taylor (Richard) - Metaphysics, Chapter 2 No Thomas (Janice L.) Mind and Person in the Philosophy of Religion Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) Medium Quality Abstract Bibliographical details to be supplied Yes Thomas (Janice L.) The bodily criterion Paper - Cited High Quality Abstract Thomas (Janice L.) - Mind and Person in the Philosophy of Religion Yes Todman (Theo) Thesis - Bodily Continuity Paper - By Subtopic Medium Quality Abstract Yes Torriani (Tristan Guillermo) Perspectivism and Intersubjective Criteria for Personal Identity: A Defense of Bernard Williams' Criterion of Bodily Continuity Paper - By Subtopic Medium Quality Abstract Princípios 15 (23):153-190 (2008) 3% Turner (Geoffrey) Varieties of Resurrection Paper - By Subtopic Low Quality Abstract New Blackfriars, Vol. 56, No. 661 (June 1975), pp. 272-276 17% Tye (Michael) In Defense of the Words 'Human Body' Paper - By Subtopic Low Quality Abstract Philosophical Studies, 38:177-182, 1980. No Van Inwagen (Peter) And Yet There Are Not Three Gods But One God Paper - By Subtopic Morris (Ed.) Philosophy and the Christian Faith, 1988 No Van Inwagen (Peter) Philosophers and the Words 'Human Body' Paper - By Subtopic Medium Quality Abstract Peter van Inwagen, Ed, Time and Cause, 1980, 283-299 Yes Van Inwagen (Peter) The Possibility of Resurrection Paper - By Subtopic Low Quality Abstract The International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Volume 9, 1978 56% Vesey (Godfrey N.A.) Are Persons Identified Only By Reference to Their Bodies Paper - By Subtopic Vesey - Personal Identity: A Philosophical Analysis, Chapter 6 No Vesey (Godfrey N.A.) Personal Identity: A Philosophical Analysis Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) Low Quality Abstract Vesey (Godfrey N.A.) - Personal Identity: A Philosophical Analysis 1% Wiggins (David) Essentialism, Continuity, and Identity Paper - By Subtopic Medium Quality Abstract Synthese, Vol. 28, No. 3/4, On Logical Semantics (Nov., 1974) (pp. 321-359) No Wiggins (David) Identity & Spatio-temporal Continuity Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) Medium Quality Abstract Bibliographical details to be supplied 5% Wiggins (David) Identity & Spatio-temporal Continuity: Introduction Paper - Cited High Quality Abstract Wiggins - Identity & Spatio-temporal Continuity, 1967, pp. vii-viii Yes Wiggins (David) Reply to Mr. Chandler Paper - By Subtopic Analysis 29.5, 1969, pp.175-176 No Wiles (Maurice) God's Action in Christ Paper - Cited High Quality Abstract Wiles, Maurice - God's Action in the World, Chapter 7 Yes Wiles (Maurice) God's Action in the World: The Bampton Lectures for 1986 Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) High Quality Abstract Bibliographical details to be supplied 49% Williams (Bernard) Are Persons Bodies? Paper - By Subtopic Medium Quality Abstract Williams - Problems of the Self (1970) Yes Williams (Bernard) Bodily Continuity and Personal Identity Paper - Cited Low Quality Abstract Williams - Problems of the Self (Analysis XXI, 1960) Yes Williams (Bernard) Problems of the Self Book - By Subtopic (via Paper By Subtopic) Low Quality Abstract Williams (Bernard) - Problems of the Self 37% Williams (Bernard) Problems of the Self Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) Low Quality Abstract Bibliographical details to be supplied 37% Williams (Bernard) The Self and the Future Paper - Cited High Quality Abstract Williams - Problems of the Self Yes


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